A 30 day challenge is an activity goal which you set for yourself to do each and every day for the next 30 days.
This is a short enough period that you can & will actually do it; after all, you can do almost anything for 30 days. It is long enough that you should be able to get an idea of the benefits and a great start towards establishing a long-term habit if so desired.
Here are some examples of simple, practical, useful 30 day goals:
- Meditate for 20 minutes twice/day.
- No snacks between meals.
- Exercise 15 minutes/day.
- No TV. Or, limit yourself to a max of 1 hr/day.
- Avoid reading news. This should help make you more positive. 🙂
- No sodas.
Tips & Thoughts
- Don’t start with too big a challenge. I.e., do not begin anything you won’t finish. Later, after you have more experience, you may want to increase the difficulty.
- Accomplishing a 30 day challenge, no matter how easy, will help increase your self-esteem and your will power. It will train you to keep your word to yourself.
- Don’t do more than one or two challenges at a time. Overdoing is not a good approach with 30 day goals. It is far more important to persistently follow through and continue making new challenges as you finish old ones.
- You can think ahead about possible next challenges while doing the current one. I like to think through variations and experiment for a few days with possible new challenges before committing to actually do anything. It keeps me from feeling overloaded (after all, I’m not committed … just playing around) and helps me select better ones.
- If you feel any embarrassment try a secret 30 day challenge. You are doing these challenges for yourself, not for others. On the other hand, some people find that making a public committment is more motivating.
- You can always modify or repeat a challenge if that is valuable.
Related Links top
- 30daychallenges.net/faq has more ideas for 30 day challenges and provides a way to discuss your challenges with others.
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