Mind Power
Thought Sequence #1
Here is a sequence of thoughts to consider using for developing more mental power. Some of the abbreviations and ideas might not work for you. If not then make up your own sequence.
spirit | think about | master | live like | first first | one thing | plus pma | know thyself | links
I Am Spirit top
- The Force, the Great Spirit, is my source.
- The Abundance Book
by John R. Price
What I Think About Comes About top
- What is steadily kept in focus eventually comes about. It’s like persistently focusing a magnifying glass to start a fire.
I Am A Master of Thought Management top
- Thus, I am a Master of Manifestation
- Fewer than one out of twenty people are in control of their thoughts. The rest actually end up slaves to their drifting thoughts & moods or to more powerful minds around them.
I Will Not Live Like This Any More! top
- Intelligent, persistent, insistent desire is the secret of success
- If you want something bad enough you will find a way. You’ll do whatever it takes, God willing.
- My mind is my own and I control it.
First Things First top
- The main business is to do what clearly lies at hand. Headlight analogy.
- Keep your wits about you. Court sense. Mindful concentration. Deliberate focus.
- If in doubt, wait … for opportunity & guidance. Thy will be done. If you were floating down the Mississippi river river on a log it would be better to wait for an opportunity to reach shore than to waste energy thrashing.
One Thing At A Time top
- Deliberate Focus! Thoughtfully choose, then do one thing at a time while keeping a good sense of what’s going on around you.
- I have no fear. I will not be hurried, mobbed or rushed.
- Focus brings better results, pleasure, practice, resting, easier.
- Real study is easy and pleasing mental effort. When you are interested in or admire anything your mind is concentrated on it. You are unconsciously examining it and remembering, without effort, many of its characteristics. That unforced examination and effort is study.
Plus PMA and a Little More top
Know Thyself top
- Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Aristotle
- An unexamined life is not worth living. Plato
- Man, know thyself, and you are going to know the gods. Greek & Egyptian aphorism
- Be a coach. Be a scientist. Watch, experiment.
- It is not one-tenth as fascinating as watching yourself respond to your own carefully administered thought management program.
Other top
- Begin with the end in mind: A $k/d done God’s way + fun, friends, freedom.
- Do something I like that pays well.
Related Links top
- Best Thought Management quotations
- Top of Page, Category Page, Index Page and Home Page