Habits by Danny Jasper
best quotes and ideas
Intelligent persistence leads to success. Right habits make for intelligent persistence. They (1) increase positive activity and (2) make getting to goals much easier since they happen automatically with very little thought or willpower required.
Here are some good quotes and ideas we found in Habits: How to Build any Habit and Make it Stick by Danny Jasper. It tells how to use habits as vehicles which will carry you to your goals.
index: definition | habits before goals | other | links
Habit Definition top
- Good habits/behaviors are things that allow you to get more done on autopilot that lead you a step closer to your goal. l.127
- A habit is whatever you do every day without thinking much about it. It is something that occurs automatically. l.54
Habits Before Goals top
- The habit portion is designed to get you to do the behavior you need to do in order to get the desired outcome.You must decide to do the habit first and worry about proficiency later.
(1) “Habit before proficiency”
(2) “Repetition is Mastery” l.218 - If it’s a better job you want, you must begin the everyday habit of looking for work. l.54
- I am focused on the habit before trying to accomplish the goal. l.54
- The focus needs to be on developing the habit/behavior and not the outcome of the habits/behaviors. l.54
- Focusing too much on the outcome and not the journey (the actual habit/behavior) will get you nowhere. l.157
- Right habit is the vehicle.
(1) First select a right habit that can take you to the goal you desire.
(2) Then focus on establishing it.
(3) Then let the habit keep on keeping on carrying you to your goal. - In developing the behavior the solution is to figure out how to react in certain situations (e.g., in basketball the fundamentals) and continue to do so until you do the specific correct action without thinking about it. Once that is accomplished the habit is starting to form and you can now worry about becoming more proficient with the specific activity/behavior you are trying to do. l.106
Other top
- Worry unnecessarily uses energy. This is why you should
(1) always do your best,
(2) put in the hard work,
(3) relax, and
(4) let what will be to be. l.157 - Take small steps when working to change a habit; for instance, if you want to wake up early, start by waking up 10 minutes earlier for a week then increase the time … I would focus on getting the habit done as often as you can. What we are trying to do is create the path of least resistance here. l.271
- The third habit you may want to cultivate is planning your day. Begin with the end in mind. when planning don’t forget to break every habit you decide to adopt into bite size chunks that make adopting the habit as easy as breathing; otherwise, developing your intended habit will be impossible. l.293
- Some good habits to develop:
– Always be asking what one thing can I do which will make everything else easier.
– Ask what good can I do today. Ben Franklin Quote.
– Schedule time blocks, not goals.
Related Links top
- Reference: Habits: How to Build any Habit and Make it Stick by Danny Jasper. The source of most of the ideas and quotes herein. Location in the Kindle version of this book is shown adjacent the quote. E.g., l.54 means location 54.
- More links to habits.
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