Best Positive Affirmations
& Wise Sayings for Thought Management
Positive affirmations are statements which would be beneficial for the brain to believe. By repeating them with feeling you can start weakening and replacing false limiting beliefs. The feeling you experience is critical; in fact your feeling is far more important than the exact wording of the affirmation. Consistent repetition is also necessary to insure that a deep impression is made on your brain.
Wise sayings are short, pithy expressions which contain good advice or wisdom. Repeatedly thinking about a wise saying helps embed it into your subconscious. What you think about comes about. This also works for single words which remind you of ideas.
Affirmations & wise sayings are messages to the brain so they need to be stated in simple ways that make it easy for the brain to deeply register. Use these three rules when you create a positive affirmation.
- Always in the present tense.
- Only positive words.
- Expressed as simple statements of fact and truth.
Personal Favorites top
Though perhaps a bit abstruse these are personal favorites.
- First things first, One thing at a time … plus PMA and A Little More. I also use single word reminders of various parts of this longer phrase.
- Day by day in every way I am becoming more & more successful. Napoleon Hill personally uses this affirmation even though some would argue it is not specific enough. Some recommend repeating the single word “success” to yourself as often as possible.
- I am not going to live like this any more. Brian Tracy
- I am a Master of Thought Management (and thus a Master of Manifestation). Being the former implies the latter if what you think about comes about.
Affirmations List top
- I am my own best friend, coach & mentor
- I always do my best
- My word is impeccable
- I am success
- I feel great
- I love myself
- Money flows to me
- I take care of my body
- I love what I do
- Every day gets better
Wise Sayings List top
- What is one thing I can do which will make everything else easier?
- Control the controllables
- Best Thought Management quotations
- How can I learn & grow from this?
- Be skeptical
- Don’t take it personal
- Don’t make assumptions
Single Words top
Single words have power too. After all words are just symbols which remind the mind of an idea. One way to focus the mind on positive ideas during the day is to say (preferably verbally since that has even more impact than a thought word) a word like “first” to remind you to do first things first or “one” to remind your to do one thing at a time. “Success” and “concentrate” are other favorite words.
Related Links & Sources top
- Best Tools Overview
- Source: Affirmations from The Four Agreements
- How Positive Affirmations Work – more details on creating affirmations.
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