A Very Practical Affirmation Tip
from Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris
This positive affirmation tip worked big for Scott Adams, creator of the famous Dilbert comic strip:
“All you do is you pick a goal and you write it down 15 times a day in some specific sentence form, like ‘I, Scott Adams, will become an astronaut,’ for example. And you do that every day.”
Scott credits that simple tip with amazing results when he used the following positive affirmations:
“I will become a number-one best selling author” … when he had never written a book,
“I, Scott Adams, will speak perfectly” … after losing his voice,
“I, Scott Adams will become a famous cartoonist” … when he was an unknown.
Scott says the exact method of repeating the affirmation doesn’t matter. What matters is the focus and commitment you have to that focus. For example the “speak perfectly” affirmation was done in his head while driving, but continuously for about 3 years.
What matters is what you pay attention to and spend the most energy on. Steady persistent attention, intention, energy and repetition impress your mind and, if done right, can make it a goal seeking dynamo.
That is what you are after … a deep impression which unconsciously guides you towards your goal. Once your mind and memory are focused on a very specific mental equivalent you will start (1) believing it’s possible & creating the environment for same, (2) noticing relevant opportunities in your environment and (3) moving both consciously & unconsciously towards the end result.
By the way, since affirmations are messages to the brain they need to be stated in simple ways that make it easy for the brain to embrace. Use these three rules when you create a positive affirmation.
- Always in the present tense.
- Only positive words.
- Expressed as simple statements of fact and truth.
Related Links top
- Tips Overview – More of our best tips
- Positive Affirmations page
- Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris. The tip discussed above comes from the chapter based on comments from Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip.
- How affirmations work
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